(1) Overview


Raw data of weather radars can provide useful visual information about the spatial distribution of precipitation events. But in order to use weather radar data for quantitative studies, the raw data have to be processed in order to account for typical error sources such as ground clutter, uncertainties in polarimetric variables and in the relationship between radar reflectivity and rain rate as well as attenuation of the radar signal.

A ground-based weather radar not only detects reflectivities of water droplets in the atmosphere but also of all non-meteorological objects. These include wind parks, buildings, mountains, aircraft and bird flocks. These echoes are called (ground) clutter and must first be removed from the raw data. For this purpose, clutter maps are created over a long period of time to remove the non-meteorological echoes from the raw data.

The radar signal may be attenuated by heavy precipitation, so that only weak reflectivities are detected within the heavy rain cell and behind it. To correct this, an attenuation correction must be performed.

Weather radars don’t measure precipitation directly. Thus, the amount of precipitation (R) is estimated from the clutter and attenuation corrected reflectivity (Z). The relationship is called “Z-R Relationship”.

The software package WRaINfo has been developed on top of the software package wradlib [] to process and correct all formerly effects of data originating from the ground-based dual-polarized X-band weather radar system (WR2120) of FURUNO.

Clutter detection, attenuation correction and precipitation estimation are based on polarimetric variables that are recorded in addition to reflectivity by dual-polarized weather radar systems. Table 1 provides a summary about the characteristics of measured variables.

Table 1

Short characteristics of polarimetric variables [].


Horizontal reflectivity
reflectivity in the horizontally polarized channelIncreases with horizontal particle dimension, number concentration, density and water content.

Vertical reflectivity
reflectivity in the vertical polarized channelIncreases with vertical particle dimension, number concentration, density and water content.

Differential reflectivity
difference between ZH and ZVIncreases with density, flattening and water content and is proportional to the hydrometeor concentration.hydrometeor classification,
clutter detection

Differential phase shift
cumulative phase shift between H and V polarized wavesIs a measure of the attenuation integrated along the path.attenuation correction,
precipitation estimation

Correlation coefficient
correlation coefficient between ZH and ZVIs a measure of the diversity of hydrometeors in the radar volume and the data quality. RHOHV is close to 1 for most hydrometeors and significantly less than 1 for non-meteorological scatters.clutter detection,
hydrometeor classification

Specific differential phase
derivative of PHIDPIncreases with density, flattening and water content and is proportional to the hydrometeor concentration.attenuation correction,
precipitation estimation

Data format

Per default, FURUNO weather radars generate binary files. For each elevation angle one scnx (WR2120)/scn (WR2100) file per scan interval is generated. The scnx/scn files are provided with a 16-bit resolution.

Comparison to existing software

WRaINfo heavily depends on functionalities implemented in wradlib [], which is a package providing many functions for processing weather radar data in general. WRaINfo, however, has been developed to handle data coming particularly from FURUNO weather radar devices. This allows to reuse functionalities like clutter detection, precipitation estimation and georeferencing from wradlib. Additionally, a specific function for reading the binary raw data (scn/scnx data) of FURUNO has been implemented in wradlib and is used in WRaINfo.

WRaINfo incorporates X-band specific attenuation correction methods, as the implementation in wradlib is dedicated for C-band weather radars [, , ], which are found not to be suitable for X-band devices. As a consequence, the Z-PHI method [, , ] was implemented in WRaINfo for attenuation correction. To enable completely automated processing, process chains for the generation of clutter maps and precipitation products from the FURUNO raw data were also integrated in WRaINfo.

Due to the development of xradar [], other software packages can also be integrated in the future, so that tools from the Python ARM Radar Toolkit [] can also be implemented in the future.

WRaINfo has reached a mature stage in the last months, which allows the operational use of the FURUNO weather radar devices. The software can be used for both radar types (WR2120 & WR2100) of FURUNO.

Overview of WRaINfo

In summary WRaINfo provides the following functionality:

  • raw data reading and returned as xarray dataset
  • optional: HDF5 data reading
  • application of clutter detection, phase processing and attenuation correction with optimized parameters for X-Band weather radars
  • estimation of precipitation amounts with Z-R Relationship
  • georeferencing and gridding of data
  • operational use: processing chain to generate clutter maps over long period of time followed by entire data processing

The software has been developed by the Helmholtz Innovation Lab FERN.Lab [], the technology and innovation platform for remote sensing for a sustainable use of resources at GFZ Potsdam, in cooperation with the University of Bonn. The following goals are pursued:

  1. Testing the functionality of the software by increasing the coverage of unit tests.
  2. Contribute to wradlib so that the software developed by FERN.Lab can be made available to a wider audience.
  3. Facilitate the use of weather radar data for farmers based on WRaINfo.

Implementation and architecture

Used programming language

To allow the close connection to wradlib, WRaINfo has been developed in Python 3.6, which is a widely used programming language and has a large standard library, supplemented by a variety of open source packages. Developments have been embedded within the open source cookiecutter python package template []. With this template it is possible to automatically generate software documentation based on Sphinx [] and to perform quality control of the software using Pylint [] and pytest. WRaINfo was created using the cookiecutter template adapted by FERN.Lab [].


The package uses a configuration file. The entire contents of this file can be loaded with the wrainfo.reader.read_config_file() function. For this purpose, the file path to the configuration file and “selection = None” must be specified. Before the other modules of WRaINfo can be used, all directories and settings in the configuration file have to be defined. Table 2 contains an overview of the configuration file and a description of the parameters to be defined.

Table 2

Description of the parameter used in the configuration file.


Read data

raw_data_directorypath to raw datastr

subfolder_structure_raw_dataregex format of subfolders in the raw data directorystrY/m/d/

error_flist_directorypath to file list with faulty filesstr

monthly_clutter_directorypath to monthly clutter mapsstr

subfolder_structure_clutter_directorydate format of subfolders in the monthly clutter directorystrY/m/

static_clutter_directorypath to the static clutter mapsstr

static_cmapcomplete file path to the selected clutter map

Save data in output directory

output_directory_tar_gz_filesoutput directory for compressed raw datastr

output_path_processed_filesoutput directory for processed datastr

output_path_error_flistoutput directory for file list with faulty filesstr

Settings for processing data

radar_location_identifierAbbreviation for location and type of weather radarstr

epsg_codeEPSG Code of the desired coordinate reference systeminteger32633

nb_pixelsResolution in pixels of the georeferenced datainteger1400

dimensionsdimension of the data, two or three dimensionallist[“azimuth”,”range”,”time”]

scan_intervalscan interval of the weather radar in secondsinteger300

re_index_parametersCorrection of the original azimuth angleslist
[0.25, 360, 0.5]

moments_in_processed_filesMoments which are to be stored in the processed datalist[‘RATE’, ‘DBZH’, ‘VRAD’, ‘ZDR’, ‘KDP’, ‘PHIDP’, ‘RHOHV’, ‘WRADH’, ‘FUZZ’,’DBZH_no_clutter’, ‘DBZH_CORR’, ‘PREC_ZR’]


WRaINfo contains eight modules, which are subdivided according to the respective functionality (Figure 1). The individual modules are described below.

Figure 1 

Software architecture of WRalNfo.

a) Reader

The reader module (reader.py) contains functions to read the configuration file and generate file lists. The function wrainfo.reader.create_flist() loads FURUNO raw data for a defined period of time into a list. The file list is compared with an error file list. The error file list contains manually defined erroneous files and these are removed from the created file lists in order to exclude these data from the processing. The two individual file lists are merged into one. Per default, scn/scnx format is supported as input data format, optionally data can be provided in HDF5 format. A file list with all raw data of the defined period is returned.

Scn/scnx files are processed by the function wrainfo.reader.read_single_file(). A raw dataset is read and returned as an xarray dataset. Figure 2 shows the most important polarimetric variables of a FURUNO raw dataset, which are read by the function.

Figure 2 

Polarimetric variables of raw data.

Raw reflectivity (ZH) provides information on the spatial distribution of a recorded precipitation event extending from north to south-east (Figure 2).

By means of the polarimetric variable RHOHV, non-meteorological (ground clutter) and meteorological echoes can be distinguished in the raw reflectivity (ZH). If the cross correlation coefficient (RHOHV) is greater than 0.9, it is assumed that mostly precipitation occurs []. Thus, Figure 2 shows that the individual pixels with high reflectivity, such as in the west and south, are ground clutter. KDP allows conclusions to be drawn about the size and concentration of raindrops. Thus, high positive values in KDP correlate with high reflectivity, which can be seen in the north (Figure 2).

The polarimetric variable PHIDP is a measure of the attenuation. Strong attenuation is visible in the north (Figure 2). Even if the attenuation is not strong, an attenuation correction must be made.

b) Clutter detection

The clutter detection module (clutter.py) contains functions to detect clutter and then remove it from the raw data. Furthermore, a clutter map can be created with this module.

A clutter map can be generated using the wrainfo.clutter.create_clutter_map_sequential() function. To do this, a file list must first be created that contains all raw data over a defined time period. This can be done using the wrainfo.reader.create_filelist() function.

The created file list is one of the function parameters. The parameter threshold specifies that only positive values of the uncorrected reflectivity, which are in the boolean dataset of the clutter map, are considered. If the status parameter is set to true, then the processing progress of the clutter map is obtained as a percentage. Only the reflectivity values are extracted from the raw data and added. Ground clutter is located at the points where high reflectivities occur in each dataset. Afterwards a boolean dataset is created where the added reflectivity values must be greater than the threshold. The clutter maps generated with WRaINfo contain a dataset with the summed reflectivities and another boolean dataset (1 = clutter, 0 = no clutter).

Figure 3 shows a clutter map for the elevation angle of 0.5°. Pixels which are identified as clutter, are marked in yellow. These are wind parks and high buildings in the town, where the weather radar is located.

Figure 3 

Clutter map.

For clutter detection the fuzzy echo classification from wradlib is used [, ]. The function wrainfo.clutter.fuzzy_echo_classification() needs as input a two dimensional (azimuth and range) raw dataset of the weather radar and the clutter map as xarray dataset. The raw dataset may additionally contain time as a dimension. Then the parameter “dims” must be adjusted accordingly.

For the fuzzy echo classification all polarimetric variables (RHOHV, PHIDP, ZDR, VRAD) as well as the generated clutter map (CMAP) are used as described in Vulpiani et al. [].

The default values for the weighting of each variable correspond to the study of Crislogo et. al [] and can be found in Table 3.

Table 3

Weights of the fuzzy echo classification procedure.







The new variable “FUZZ” is appended to the raw dataset. This is the clutter map resulting from the fuzzy echo classification and is needed for the function wrainfo.clutter.dbzh_no_clutter(). Figure 4 shows the clutter map and results of the fuzzy echo classification. All radar bins that have been classified as clutter are now marked in yellow.

Figure 4 

Comparison of the clutter map and results of the fuzzy echo classification.

To remove the pixels masked as ground clutter from the raw reflectivity, the wrainfo.clutter.dbzh_no_clutter() function is used. The output dataset of the fuzzy echo classification is needed for this function. In addition, the static clutter map has to be loaded. The ground clutter is excluded from the raw reflectivity using the clutter map and the previously created variable “FUZZ”. All pixels that have been identified as clutter are flagged as NaN values. Figure 5 shows the raw reflectivity and the clutter corrected reflectivity. The returned xarray dataset gets a new variable “DBZH_no_clutter”.

Figure 5 

Comparison of raw reflectivity and clutter corrected reflectivity.

c) Attenuation correction

After the clutter detection is done, the attenuation correction follows. This is accomplished by the wrainfo.attenuation_corr.phase_zphi() function and processes the phase PHIDP. The function needs the data array of PHIDP from the clutter corrected xarray dataset. The parameters “start_range” and “range” of the moving window have to be defined. Within the function a binary array (True = rain, False = not-rain) rolling a range-long sum from PHIDP is generated. Afterwards the first occurrence of the maximum (from front and back) of PHIDP binary array is searched for. This gives the indices of the centres of the rolling window. Then min, max, median and mean of these are calculated. Finally, the true start and end indices of the phase PHIDP are calculated (+/- half window length). The returned dataset additionally contains the first and last values (min, max, median, mean) of the phase PHIDP (Figure 6).

Figure 6 

Results of the processed phase PHIDP.

In the Z-PHI method, the rain profile along the radar beam is derived from the reflectivity profile (ZH). The required boundary condition is the total attenuation of the radar beam, which is derived from PHIDP.

In the following function wrainfo.attenuation_corr.zphi() the specific attenuation (AH) is calculated using an optimized algorithm based on the ZPHI-Method [, ]. The function needs the clutter corrected reflectivity and the added dataset of the function wrainfo.attenuation_corr.phase_zphi() as function parameters. To define the boundary conditions, within the function wrainfo.attenuation_corr.zphi() first ΔΦDP is calculated (eq. 1) from the parameters “last_median” and “first_median” (Figure 7). In eq. 1 r1 and r2 represent the integration bounds.

Figure 7 

ZPHI based recalculated PHIDP, KDP and specific attenuation.

These are contained in the returned xarray dataset of the function wrainfo.attenuation_corr.phase_zphi(). First any ΔΦDP values less than 0 are set to 0. Then the function of ΔΦDP (ΔΦDP) is calculated (eq. 2). According to eq. 3 we prepare attenuated reflectivity to the power of b=[Za(r)]b, where b is a constant parameter (usually within 0.6–0.9 at microwave frequencies) and the integral of that from each range bin to maximum range []. The calculation of that integral is done per ray by cumulative trapezoidal integration over the range dimension and following subtraction from its maximum value. α is calculated as Z = a  Rb and is assumed as constant or temperature dependent [, ]. A stands for the specific attenuation.

ΔΦDP=ΦDP (r2)ΦDP(r1) 
fΔΦDP =100.1  b α ΔΦΦDP  1

For performance reasons eq. 3 is rearranged as

AH(r)=[Za(r)]b0.46b r1r2[Za(s)]b dsf(ΔΦΦDP) + 0.46b r1r2[Za(s)]b ds 

The integral (r1, r2) is extracted from the above integral by selection using the first index provided from wrainfo.attenuation_corr.phase_zphi() function. In advance KDP is derived from AH and further PHIDP is recalculated from KDP.

The ZPHI-based AH, KDP, and PHIDP are merged into one xarray dataset which is finally returned.

Figure 7 shows the recalculated polarimetric variables PHIDP and KDP, respectively, and the respective raw dataset as well as the calculated specific attenuation (AH).

Subsequently, the attenuation correction of the reflectivity is performed with the recalculated PHIDP (eq. 4). Figure 8 shows a comparison of the reflectivity before and after attenuation correction. α depends on temperature and drop size distribution. The range of values for X-Band weather radars is between 0.14 – 0.35 dB/deg. α is mostly assumed to be constant (α = 0.28) and corresponds to the climatic mean. Certain uncertainties, such as variability in summer and winter, cannot be excluded. Thus, 0.28 is used for α in eq. 5.

Figure 8 

Reflectivity before and after attenuation correction.

ZHcorr = ZHraw+αΦDPrecalc
ZHcorr = ZHraw+0.28ΦDPrecalc
d) Precipitation estimation

The precipitation module (precipitation.py) is used to estimate precipitation rates from clutter and attenuation corrected reflectivity based on the Z-R relationship. This is an empirical relationship between the reflectivity (Z) of the weather radar and the precipitation rate (R). In equation 6 a and b are the relationship parameter and depend on the rainfall type (stratiform or convective). Marshall and Palmer [] defines default values for a and b are: a = 200 and b = 1.6.

Z = a  Rb

The function wrainfo.precipitation.qpe_zr() is used for the precipitation estimation. The function needs as input parameter the returned dataset of the attenuation correction and the name of the data array, which contains the attenuation corrected reflectivity. The directory to the configuration file also has to be defined as a function parameter. In the configuration file the scan interval in seconds and the dimensions of the dataset have to be defined.

First, the precipitation intensity [mm/h] is derived from the corrected reflectivity in this function. Second, the amount of precipitation [mm] within the specified scan interval is calculated based on the precipitation intensity [mm/h]. Finally, the returned xarray dataset contains a new variable “PREC_ZR”. Figure 9 shows the estimated precipitation amount for the clutter and attenuation corrected reflectivity.

Figure 9 

Attenuation corrected reflectivity and estimated precipitation.

e) Georeferencing and gridding

The geometry module is used to project the polar data into a Cartesian grid and to write georeferenced radar data as netCDF files to the hard disk.

The function wrainfo.geometry.furuno_georeferencing() uses as input parameter an xarray dataset and the directory to the configuration file, because the target coordinate reference system, the spatial resolution in pixels and the moments, which should be georeferenced have to be defined in the configuration file. The function returns a georeference xarray dataset, which shows in Figure 10.

Figure 10 

Georeferenced and gridded precipitation data with WRalNfo.

The writing of (georeferenced) radar data as netCDF files to the hard disk is done with the function wrainfo.geometry.furuno_sweep_to_netcdf(). This function has the same parameters as the function for georeferencing. Additionally, the data type can be defined. This refers to the level of data processing. The output directory has to be specified in the configuration file.

f) Error and compression module

The error file list (error_flist.py) and compression (compression.py) module allow the data management of FURUNO data on the hard disk. With the former it is possible to exclude erroneous files from the data processing. With the compression module it is possible to store raw data per day in a compressed tar.gz file.

g) Process chains

WRaINfo contains the module process_chains.py, which is based on the modules reader.py, clutter.py, attenuation_corr.py, precipitation.py and geometry.py (Figure 1).

The module process_chains.py shows how the operational mode can be set up to process the raw data of the FURUNO weather radars and subsequently generate georeferenced precipitation products with any temporal resolution. In this paragraph, the individual process chains are described in detail which allow an operational workflow.

Generation of ground clutter maps

To remove ground clutter from the raw data, monthly clutter maps are generated for each elevation angle over a period of at least 3 months. For this purpose the function wrainfo.process_chains.clutter_chain() is used.

The start time and the number of days over which the clutter map should be created must be defined. The stop time is then calculated within the function by adding the start time and the number of days. First, a file list is created for all raw data of the specified elevation angle for the period between start and stop time. Then the processing of the clutter map is done with the function wrainfo.clutter.create_clutter_map_sequential() as described in chapter b) clutter detection.

The output filename of the clutter map is created, which contains start and end time of the processed clutter map as well as the elevation angle. The clutter maps are stored as netCDF datasets in the specified output path “monthly_clutter_directory” in the configuration file (Table 2).

The function wrainfo.process_chains.static_cmap() is used for creating a clutter map from the last three clutter maps for the selected elevation angle. Within the function the last three generated clutter maps are added and saved as netCDF dataset. The created clutter map covers a period of 9 months and is used in the function wrainfo.process_chains.wr_routine_furuno().

If the available data covers only a time series shorter than 9 months, the directory to a clutter map with another arbitrary time period can be specified in the configuration file. This is then used for the function wrainfo.process_chains.wr_routine_furuno().

Weather radar routine

For the function wrainfo.process_chains.wr_routine_furuno(), which is a process chain to generate precipitation products from the raw data, the following parameters have to be defined in the configuration file. Details can be found in Table 2:

  • subfolder_structure_raw_data
  • error_flist_directory
  • re_index_parameters
  • raw_data_directory
  • dimensions
  • static_cmap
  • scan_interval
  • epsg_code
  • nb_pixels
  • moments_in_processed_files
  • radar_location_identifier
  • output_path_processed_files

Data reading

At first the static clutter map for the selected elevation angle is read. The boolean data array is then extracted from the dataset. This is needed later for the clutter detection. In the next step the filenames of the FURUNO raw data are stored in a list. The list always contains all files for one day, if delta = 1 was set. If delta is chosen differently, the processing is done for a different time period within the for loop.

The data processing of the raw data is accomplished like follows: first, the extension is used to check how to read the data. Second, by reading the data the reindexing of the azimuth angle is done and third, errors in the data array of the elevation angle are corrected.

Application of all corrections

The clutter detection takes place and first the complete dataset is masked with the variable RHOHV. Clutter are removed from the uncorrected reflectivity. Subsequently the phase processing is performed in which PHIDP is recalculated and the specific attenuation is determined and KDP is derived. The recalculated PHIDP is then used for attenuation correction. After the attenuation correction, the quantitative precipitation estimation can be performed using the Z-R relationship. This is followed by smoothing and georeferencing of the dataset. Finally, the precipitation product is stored in the specified output directory as a netCDF file.

Figure 11 provides an overview of how the individual process chains in the process_chains.py module build on each other.

Figure 11 

Flowchart of WRalNfo in operation mode.

Quality control

In order to ensure functionality and also to be able to release high quality software, WRaINfo contains automated tests for the majority of the functions of each sub-module. For new functions that are integrated into the software, new tests are added respectively. All tests are based on pytest.

When software with newly developed functions is uploaded, an integrated CI pipeline in GitLab is used to attempt to install WRaINfo from a Docker container. If the installation is successful, all automated functional tests are completed. Additionally, the code is checked for PEP8 style using Pylint, and hyperlinks, which are available in the documentation and in README are checked for their response via a dedicated urlchecker test. Only when all tests are successfully completed, the software documentation based on Sphinx is created and deployment to Zenodo and Pypi takes place. The software documentation includes an installation guide and additionally, for each submodule, a set of examples written in Jupyter Notebooks. Using pandoc and the other requirements (nbconvert, nbsphinx, nbformat, jupyter and notebook), the “docstrings” are extracted from the source code and formatted. The Jupyter notebooks are not executed when creating the documentation. However, they can be run and traced by users in a python environment themselves. For this purpose, the Git Repository contains a test folder with a few sample files. These files are also used for the automated functional tests.

With each upload, the documentation is automatically updated so that the new code and the documentation remain in sync.

(2) Availability

Operating system

GNU/Linux, Windows

Programming language

WRaINfo has been written in Python 3.6 +


  • numpy 1.9+
  • rioxarray 0.11.2+
  • scipy 1.0+
  • wradlib 1.15+
  • xarray 0.17.0+

List of contributors

Alice Künzel, software developer, Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam, German Research Centre for Geoscience (GFZ)

Kai Mühlbauer, software developer, University of Bonn, Institute of Geoscience – Meteorology Section

Julia Neelmeijer, project leader/supervisor, Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam, German Research Centre for Geoscience (GFZ)

Daniel Spengler, project leader/supervisor, Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam, German Research Centre for Geoscience (GFZ)

Software location


Name: WRaINfo

Persistent identifier:10.5281/zenodo.7521387

Licence: Apache Software License 2.0

Publisher: FERN.Lab (GFZ Potsdam)

Version published: v0.9.3

Date published: 10/01/2023

Code repository

Name: GitLab


Licence: Apache Software License 2.0

Date published: 04/10/2022



(3) Reuse potential

WRaINfo is a relatively new software package. At the moment WRaINfo is used by the University of Graz and the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna. In addition, WRaINfo is already part of a thesis at the University of Graz.

WRaINfo has been written in such a way that it is not only reusable but also extensible. In the future, research institutions operating a FURUNO weather radar will be able to use WRaINfo as a basis and extend the software with their own developments. FURUNO weather radars are already operated at several locations in Germany and also in other countries, so that WRaINfo will gain in importance in the future.

In addition, it is planned to develop a software module for high-resolution precipitation information gathering for farmers, who would like to consider these measurements for management purposes. WRaINfo will be the basis for such an application development and could surely be also used for other application developments based on FURUNO weather radar data (e.g. fire monitoring, storm monitoring, etc.).