(1) Overview


Ecological communities are affected by anthropogenic impacts, and the resulting disturbances produce changes in the abundance, distribution patterns or behaviour of species [, ].

These changes can be used to assess the ecological status of an environment in order to provide early warning signals for environmental management. As a consequence, it is essential to develop tools to detect species or groups of species that reflect environmental changes and could be used as bioindicators [, , , ].

Among different techniques to estimate ecological indicators, the analysis of indicator species is a relevant tool to study which species contribute most to the differences in species composition of the respective units [].

Several methods are mentioned in the bibliography, mainly for the analysis of plant communities. Among them, the Indicator Value, Indval [] combines the species’ relative abundances with their relative frequency. Chytrý et al. [], propose correlation indices to evaluate species’ preference in a group of sample units. Ricotta et al. [] consider the functional characters of species, while De Cáceres et al. [], suggest using a combination of indicator species.

The R package labdsv [], oriented to ordination and multivariate analysis for ecology, has implemented the indicator value method proposed by Dufrêne and Legendre []. A generalization of this method and the correlation indices of species preferences have been included in the R package indicspecies [].

The purpose of this work is to advance in the design of tools and methodologies that could be used for the construction of ecological system state indices. We present the R package Ecoindicators [], to automatically classify ecosystems descriptors and estimate grouping of samples, using only the presence and absence of taxonomic units as an implementation of the method developed by de la Vega et al. [] for the selection of indicator species. We show a comparison with the indicator value method implemented by the function indval (labdsv package).

Implementation and architecture

The Ecoindicators package was developed using a data set -provided with the package- consisting of soil physico-chemical properties and soil fauna abundance of three sites in the Pampean plain (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Samples were taken on three different sites with different use intensity: A naturalised grassland (NG), a grazing field that changed to agriculture two years before the start of the samplings (CG), and a site of continuous intensive agriculture for at least 40 years (AG). The data set comprises measurements of fifteen physical and chemical soil parameters and the abundance of forty-three soil fauna taxonomic units []. Samples were taken at the same time in each date and sampling unit.

The package consists of a set of functions (Table 1) to identify indicator taxonomic units (select_indicator_species), and assign according to the species composition (identify_env) a new sample to a given environment. It also shows the presence of a species in a hypercube of chosen environmental variables, as an estimate of its ecological niche (sp_hypercube). A flow chart describing the input data and the purpose of each function is shown in Figure 1.

Table 1

Functions included.


DatasoilandfaunaSoil physico-chemical properties and soil fauna of three sites in the Pampean plain

Basic useselect_indicator_speciesSelection of species or taxonomic units that indicate with a given probability of belonging to an environment

Basic useidentify_envIdentify the environment from new samples of community species

Auxiliaryidentify_env_testTests the accuracy of the environment identification of a set of samples

Auxiliaryas_niche_factorConverts a vector or matrix of quantitative environmental data into a factorized version with a desired number of partitions.

Basic usesp_hypercubeReturns the frequency of any taxonomic unit in a selected combination of environmental factors

Figure 1 

Main functions and flowchart for basic usage.

Selection of indicator units

As a first step, and based on their frequency of appearance in each system, the package selects “indicator” taxonomic units. The rationale is, if the occurrence (Oij) of each taxonomic unit i were independent of the environments j, it would be expected that the proportion of appearances of each taxonomic unit in each environment was uniform. Then we test this hypothesis using the χ2 distribution, assuming groups with equal number of samples:


where n is the number of environments or groups of samples. If the taxonomic unit is not an indicator species, its distribution in the environment does not differ from that expected by chance. The function select_indicator_species takes as arguments a community data matrix with species in columns and samples in rows, a vector of the sample’s grouping of the community data and the significance level α used for the chi-square test. The function returns a list with two components: a vector of the name of the indicator species selected and a vector of the conditional probability of each species or taxonomic unit in the data.

Environment estimation

Once the indicator units have been obtained, their presence in a new set of samples is used to determine to which particular environment it could belong.

The function identify_env(), verifies whether the observed proportion of indicator units in each sample group of the original community differs from expected. Then, construct a matrix of coefficients that add or subtract probabilities that a new sample belongs to a certain environment. This coefficients matrix and the vector of frequencies of indicator units in the new sample are multiplied, returning a vector of group estimations whose highest element indicates the environment the procedure is looking for. The function takes as arguments a community matrix, the result of the function select_indicator_species, a grouping vector and a significance level for the test.

The function identify_env_test uses a subsampling method to test the accuracy of the group estimation.

Ecological niche representation

Regarding the link of biological and environmental data, the interest is more often focused on relating only a limited number of physical and chemical parameters with only some of the taxonomic units. The function sp_hypercube makes a niche approximation returning the abundance of a species in a n by n grid of environmental variables. Each numerical variable is converted into a categorical variable, classifying each element according to the interval in which it is found.

Finally, a contingency table is constructed that indicates the frequency of samples in which a given taxonomic unit is present in each combination of environmental variables initially defined.

The function takes four arguments, a matrix or data frame of environmental variables, a vector or matrix of species abundances, the number of partitions in which to divide the range of each environmental variable, and a logical variable indicating, in case of param sp has two or more species, whether the joint or alternative presence of the species should be considered.

The objective consisted in creating a tool to relate the presence of taxonomic units (indicator units) in the samples with the levels of certain physical and chemical parameters of interest.

Example analysis and usage

The package can be installed from its github repository running the command: devtools::install_github(‘lsaravia/EcoIndicators’) in the R prompt.

Selecting indicator species

com <- soilandfauna[,18:60] # Select
community (species) data
group <- soilandfauna[,1] # Select grouping
indicsp <- select_indicator_
paste(indicsp$names, collapse = “, “)
# [] “Hypogastruridae, Onychiuridae,
Rhodacaroidea, Parasitoidea, Veigaioidea,
Euphthiracaroidea, Aporrectodea_caliginosa,
Microscolex_dubius, Eukerria_stagnalis”

Identifying environment or sample group

  subcom <- com[3:10,] # Select a subset of
  samples to test the estimation
# Estimate the indicator species present
  indicsp <- select_indicator_species(com, group)
  idenv <- identify_env(subcom, indicsp, group)
# [] “AG”
# Test the accuracy of environment estimation
identify_env_test(com, group) #group
# NG 0
# CG 0.9379379
# AG 0.998999

The analysis performed in the soilandfauna dataset found nine indicator species (α = 0.01). Regarding the environment estimation the function gives an accuracy higher than 90% for the agriculture (AG) and grazing sites (CG).

Abundance of a species in a grid of environmental variables

The output of the sp_hypercube function is a table that shows the samples’ frequencies in each cell of the grid. Figure 2 shows the dispersion of the Onychiuridae species in a space of three environmental variables: available phosphorus (ppm, P), organic matter (%, OM) and Kjeldahl nitrogen (%, N).

Figure 2 

3D scatter plot of the presence of the Onychiuridae taxon regarding the environmental variables N, P, and OM.

# Frequency of any taxonomic unit in a
selected combination
# of environmental factors
# Select environmental data
env <- soilandfauna[,3:17]
# Obtaining the presence of the Onychiuridae
species in a 3 × 3 grid
## N [0.14,0.263] (0.263,0.387] (0.387,0.51]
## P OM
## [0,25.3] [1.51,4.08]            16    15    4
## (4.08,6.66]                     16    40    6
## (6.66,9.23]                     0     6     4
## (25.3,50.5] [1.51,4.08]         3     7     0
## (4.08,6.66]                     1     0     0
## (6.66,9.23]                     1     0     0
## (50.5,75.8] [1.51,4.08]         0     0     0
## (4.08,6.66]                     0     1     0
## (6.66,9.23]                     0     0     0

The Onychiuridae taxon is more frequent in intermediate values of N and OM and in the lower values of P.

Then, the simultaneous appearance of the units “Onychiuridae”, “Isotomidae”, “Eupodoidea”, and “Aporrectodea rosea” is detected two times in the cube delimited by 0 ≤ P ≤ 25.26, 4.08 ≤ OM ≤ 6.66 and 0.26 ≤ N ≤ 0.39 (Figure 3).

Figure 3 

3D scatter plot of the simultaneous occurrence of taxonomic units Onychiuridae, Isotomidae, Eupodoidea, and Aporrectodea rosea.

# sp_hypercube(env[,c(“P”,”OM”,”N”)],
## N [0.14,0.263] (0.263,0.387] (0.387,0.51]
## P         OM
## [0,25.3]    [1.51,4.08]    0    0    0
##             (4.08,6.66]    0    2    0
##             (6.66,9.23]    0    0    0
## (25.3,50.5] [1.51,4.08]    0    0    0
## showing only the first four lines

With the help of the functions provided in the EcoIndicators package it is possible to evaluate the indicator species of a community data matrix, and to take a step forward by providing a methodology to, from this information, predict the possible type of environment to which a new set of samples might belong. In addition, by making it possible to obtain the frequencies of a taxon or combination of taxa in an n-dimensional space of environmental parameters, the tools developed allow for a more precise analysis of the relationships between biological and environmental components.

Comparison of EcoIndicators and IndVal methods for indicator species analysis

We analysed a data set collected in the northeast of the Buenos Aires province, in experimental plots of the National University of Luján (UNLu) and in rural plots of the localities of Open Door, Cortines and General Rodríguez (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Sampling was carried out seasonally from 2008 to 2014.

Different sites were chosen according to their use history: (A), with a history of use between 17 and 31 years applying conventional tillage and reduced tillage; (G) livestock soils with a use history of 15 years with sheep and cattle grazing: (N) Naturalized soils, with no agricultural or livestock use for at least 30 years. A total of 99 sampling units of each type of use were analysed for the evaluation of indicator species.

The indicator species analysis was carried out with EcoIndicators. In turn, the calculation of the indicator value [] was performed with the labdsv package []. Those species that showed a p value < 0.05 were selected as indicator species.

Applying both methods, results coincided in nine indicator species, finding a total of 10 species with a value of p < 0.05. The data and code for this analysis could be found as supplementary material to the source code of the package.

Quality control

The functions provided with EcoIndicators were evaluated to test if they produce the desired output. The workflow was tested on soil environment and faunal data -provided as a dataset with this package-. Additionally, functions were tested with samples taken in a different experiment from those used to build the package.

The structure of the package successfully passed the CRAN R CMD check with no errors, warnings, or notes.

(2) Availability

Operating system

The package was tested on Linux and Windows.

Programming language

R version 4.1.2 or higher

Additional system requirements

There are no additional requirements.


R package: stats.

List of contributors

The package was created by Andrés Duhour, Hernán de la Vega and Leonardo Saravia.

Software location


Name: Zenodo

Persistent identifier:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7026224

Licence: GPL-2

Publisher: Leonardo Saravia

Version published: 1.0.0

Date published: 26/08/2022

Code repository

Name: Github (https://github.com/lsaravia/EcoIndicators)


Licence: GPL-2

Date published: 26/08/22



(3) Reuse potential

The functions use Roxygen to generate documentation that can be asked with the R help function. EcoIndicators can be integrated with other ecosystem data analysis frameworks, enabling a new approach to ecosystem studies.

The EcoIndicators package was originally developed using a soil biota database [], and it will work just the same in any other environment or ecosystem for which there is a database of species abundances associated with an environmental dataset. The package provides a new method for the selection of indicator species and allows to directly use this result to identify the belonging of new samples to one of the environments identified in the original database. In addition, the ecological niche approach helps to represent the interrelationships between ecological communities and environmental variables.

The package is hosted in a public repository with version control, allowing contributors to add new features. It is possible to report issues and suggest improvements via Github or by contacting the corresponding authors. The package is a starting point for the improvement of the methods presented here and for comparison with the other available methods.