(1) Overview


There is a current disconnect between the remote sensing and scientific computing communities. This is partly due to the discontinuity of the tools preferred in either community: the scientific computing community requires an API that integrates well with existing ecosystems for scientific data processing. In remote sensing, on the other hand, a large part of the processing is still done with graphical tools, e.g. SNAP or GIS software such as QGIS, ArcGIS, and ENVI. Most of these also provide a command line interface (CLI), as does the well-established tool GDAL. However, when it comes to providing an API for programming languages, these tools lack in features or usability. GDAL, for example, does offer a Python API, but it is clear that this API has been developed as a wrapper for the CLI rather than envisioned around concepts more native to the programming language. This shows e.g. in the fact that most operations that can be performed in the Python GDAL API still read one file and output another rather than passing around Python objects. The popular Python library rasterio [] is a more Python-friendly wrapper around GDAL, but is still cumbersome when working with more than a single image. There is essentially no library out there in any programming language that natively implements e.g. pre-processing of SAR data without having to go through the CLI of some GUI based software. Also, operations such as reprojection, mosaicking and tiling are not easily available outside of dedicated command line tools. All of this means it is not easy for a scientist or developer to implement a new algorithm without worrying about IO, file formats, and preprocessing because there is no library that implements all of those steps in a sufficiently modular way to allow for the addition of new algorithms as modules (other than as plugins for GUI software). Python developers need libraries that neatly fit into the SciPy ecosystem [] which provides the basis for all scientific computing in Python. Clearly, there is a need for a grand unified EO library.

Another issue with Earth observation data processing is the amount of data required. For applications dealing with global datasets it is often unfeasible to download all data locally for processing. Even if storage, memory, and compute resources are not an issue, bandwidth limitations mean that obtaining such datasets could be a matter of months or years. Projects like Google Earth Engine [] or AWS Earth [] aim to overcome this limitation by providing datasets that exist physically right next to their cloud computing services such that no data will need to be transferred via low bandwidth connections until the export of the final product. In most cases, the generated data product is much smaller than the sum of all the raw input data. It took Google Earth Engine more than three years to acquire the multi-petabyte dataset which is now available, partly because the Landsat archive had to be transferred from the long-term tape storage []. While the focus here is not on cloud services like this, a well-designed library with scalable tools would also be suitable to run on such a service.

Perhaps the largest barrier is the lack of a common standard file format. While GeoTiff is the de-facto standard for most applications exchanging geospatial raster data, it has a number of crucial drawbacks. Firstly, it isn’t capable of storing data in more than two dimensions and as such is unsuitable for datacube structures. Secondly, while GeoTiff files do contain geocoding information (that is what makes it a GeoTiff rather than a Tiff), they are far from self-descriptive: they don’t support storing band names, coordinate system information, etc. When software such as QGIS opens a GeoTiff, they will immediately create an additional XML file storing metadata such as projection information that is gathered from user input. Clearly, GeoTiff is not fully up to the task of geospatial data processing if it requires a separate metadata file to work properly. Rather than inventing yet another file format or even a new Python data structure, this project builds on the xarray library [] which interfaces neatly with the NetCDF file format and extends pandas to n-dimensional data. xarray has been developed by the climate data community and is now officially recommended by pandas in favor of the deprecated pandas Panel [].

NetCDF for Earth Observation

NetCDF (specifically NetCDF-4) is a highly efficient file format that was built on top of HDF5. It is capable of random access which ties in with indexing and slicing in numpy. Because slices of a large dataset can be accessed independently, it becomes feasible to handle larger-than-memory file sizes. NetCDF-4 also supports data compression using zlib. Random access capability for compressed data is maintained through data chunking. Furthermore, NetCDF is designed to be fully self-descriptive. Crucially, it has a concept of named dimensions and coordinates, can store units and arbitrary metadata. While NetCDF has been the file format of choice in climate modeling for a long time, the Earth observation community is only recently adopting it. To be convinced of the slow but steady adoption of NetCDF it is revealing to look at the evolution of file formats used by ESA for the Copernicus missions. Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 still use the proprietary file format SAFE which is essentially a collection of GeoTiff files put together in a folder with metadata. Sentinel-3 uses the SEN3 format, which works similarly to SAFE, except now it is a collection of NetCDF files put together in a folder with metadata. Finally, with Sentinel-5p, ESA has made the move to a single NetCDF file for each product. In order to facilitate the work with existing file formats, the framework aims to provide an interface to read and write file formats to/from NetCDF via its Python cousin xarray. The compatibility layer between other file formats and NetCDF is mostly fed by GDAL, which offers good support for a long list of geospatial file formats [].


The main goal of this library is to generalize methods that work in lower dimensions to higher-dimensional data.

Multi-dimensional data often arise as spatio-temporal datacubes, e.g. climate data or time series of geospatial satellite data. Many data analysis methods are designed to work on single images or time series at a single point. nd makes it easy to broadcast these methods across a whole dataset, adding additional features such as automatic parallelization.

Examples include

  • pixelwise change detection algorithms
  • reprojection between coordinate systems
  • machine learning algorithms

The software was produced during PhD research. It has been used to generate the results in [].

Implementation and architecture

nd is built on xarray. Internally, all data are passed around as xarray Datasets and all provided methods expect this format as inputs. An xarray.Dataset is essentially a Python representation of the NetCDF file format and as such easily reads/writes NetCDF files.

nd is making heavy use of the xarray and rasterio libraries. The GDAL library is only used via rasterio as a compatibility layer to enable reading supported file formats. nd.open_dataset may be used to read any NetCDF file or any GDAL-readable file into an xarray.Dataset.

The popular machine learning library scikit-learn is designed to work with tabular data. The nd.classify module implements an interface to automatically apply scikit-learn estimators to xarray objects of arbitrary dimensions. Dataset dimensions may be treated as data dimensions (independent data points) or feature dimensions (used for training and prediction). This makes it easy to train a classifier on an entire time series, for example.

Similarly, reprojecting data using GDAL (via rasterio) is restricted to individual images. nd makes the integration with xarray easy by automatically applying the reprojection operation to the spatial data dimensions and broadcasting across all extra dimensions.

Figure 1 shows an architecture for a framework that might achieve this. In essence, there is a data compatibility layer which handles the ingestion of geospatial data formats into xarray, via rasterio and GDAL. As mentioned previously, the library does not aim at creating yet another data structure, but rather builds around the multivariate datacube as represented by an xarray Dataset.

Figure 1 

This diagram illustrates the principle ideas behind the software architecture.

The second important part of the library is the algorithms. The idea is to provide an abstract base class Algorithm, which contains the basic scaffold for any algorithm that may be added as a module. This includes basic parallelism and capabilities for distributed computing, e.g. using Python dask []. It further ensures that all algorithms follow the same basic structure in terms of parameters and outputs to ensure consistency across all modules and to reduce the learning curve for new developers and users. This is modeled after the way scikit-learn [] implements its algorithms.

A number of basic algorithms will need to be implemented before the library becomes attractive for researchers. However, after reaching that threshold, the modular structure built on existing tools makes contributing easy and will invite algorithm contributions from other scientists.

The current implementation of this library is still in its early stages and has resulted from the very practical needs of applying multi-dimensional data analysis methods to Earth observation data. The code is hosted on GitHub [] and also available from PyPI []. The full documentation is hosted on ReadTheDocs [].

The package is currently structured according to the following submodules:

nd.change contains various change detection algorithms.

nd.classify provides an interface to apply scikit-learn classifiers to xarray Datasets.

nd.filters contains a selection of filters for n-dimensional datacubes, e.g. boxcar, Gaussian, arbitrary kernel convolutions, and non-local means.

nd.io collates all methods to read from and write to various file formats, largely wrapping xarray and rasterio methods.

nd.testing provides extra methods used by the unit tests.

nd.tiling allows for splitting of a dataset into tiles as well as merging tiles into a single dataset, including buffered tiles.

nd.utils is a collection of various utility functions used by other submodules.

nd.vector provides tools to work with vector data, in particular to rasterize such data to match a gridded reference dataset.

nd.visualize provides methods to create visualizations of xarray datasets, e.g. maps, RGB images, and video.

nd.warp contains functionality around reprojections between coordinate reference systems, resampling, etc.

The majority of the software functionality can be accessed via the xarray accessors xarray.Dataset.nd and xarray.Dataset.filter.

Several example use cases are shown in the tutorial notebooks provided with the repository, as well as in the documentation. A few of these examples are reproduced here.


Reprojecting a dataset into a new coordinate reference system can be easily achieved using ds.nd.reproject(). This function is a high-level wrapper around rasterio’s own reprojection methods and maintains the dataset structure including additional (non-spatial) dimensions. The following example demonstrates the reprojection on some GHRSST data [].

ds_proj = ds.nd.reproject(

Figure 2 shows the dataset before and after reprojection.

Figure 2 

Reprojection of a subset of GHRSST data from EPSG:4326 (WGS84) to EPSG:2163 (US National Atlas Equal Area).

Applying a function across arbitrary dimensions

The following code snippet demonstrates how a function of arbitrary signature acting on any subset of dimensions can be easily mapped across a dataset using ds.nd.apply(). In this example we are reducing the time dimension by mapping the function np.argmax to find the hottest month for each pixel. While this example is quite trivial and could be solved without using ds.nd.apply(), the method is very flexible and can efficiently map functions of any signature over arbitrary dimensions.

hottest = ds.nd.apply(

Figure 3 shows the result for this function call, displaying the hottest month per pixel for the GHRSST dataset.

Figure 3 

This figure shows the hottest month for each pixel in this subset of the GHRSST data. The result was obtained by mapping np.argmax over the dataset using ds.nd.apply().

Integration with scikit-learn

A shapefile containing class labels may be rasterized to match a given dataset as follows:

labels = nd.vector.rasterize(‘labels.shp’, ds)

To apply a scikit-learn classifier to an xarray dataset we can simply wrap it in a Classifier provided by nd.classify:

from nd.classify import Classifier
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
clf = Classifier(RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=10))
pred = clf.fit(ds, labels).predict(ds)

The outcome is demonstrated in Figure 4.

Figure 4 

This figure demonstrates a sample classification outcome using Sentinel-1 data (a) with polygon labels (b). The classification outcome is shown in (c).

Quality control

An extensive suite of unit tests is provided with the software. The preferred way to run the tests is by using pytest. The tests are also run automatically on TravisCI at https://travis-ci.com/github/jnhansen/nd [] for a variety of Python versions on Linux. The test coverage can be checked on Codecov at https://codecov.io/gh/jnhansen/nd [].

The user may further choose to run the code in the provided sample notebooks in nd/examples/ to test the software functionality.

(2) Availability

Operating system

Linux and Mac OS. Support for Windows is experimental.

Programming language

Python, version 3.5 and later.

Additional system requirements



nd is implemented in Python, with some extension modules written in C.

  • xarray
  • scikit-learn
  • GDAL
  • libgsl-dev (optional, for change detection)

List of contributors

1. Johannes N Hansen, sole contributor (University of Edinburgh)

Software location


Name: Zenodo

Persistent identifier: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4282546

Licence: MIT

Publisher: Johannes Hansen

Version published: 0.2

Date published: 20/11/2020

Code repository

Name: GitHub

Persistent identifier: https://github.com/jnhansen/nd

Licence: MIT

Date published: 20/11/2020

The software is also available from the Python Package Index (PyPI) [].



(3) Reuse potential

xarray deliberately does not provide any domain specific functionality and instead encourages the development of third-party libraries for this purpose. nd is trying to be this library for Earth Observation.

The software architecture follows a modular architecture that is easy to reuse and extend. An abstract base class nd.Algorithm is provided that may be subclassed by additional algorithms. Algorithms implemented in this way will benefit from features such as automatic parallelization and some automated unit testing.

Bug reports and feature requests should be issued via the GitHub repository. Contributors are welcome to submit pull requests on GitHub.

The software documentation is available at https://nd.readthedocs.io/ [].