(1) Overview


OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a powerful and freely accessible database of geo-referenced objects with continuously increasing data coverage and data quality. The open access policy of OSM contributes to many research areas. In the field of energy system modelling, for example, it has been used successfully in the creation of power grid models [] or for the optimisation of flexibility options in urban areas [, ]. In general, within OSM data, items can be identified by relevant key-value pairs, called tags. However, the correct identification of relevant tags can be an iterative process. Often, it will require the user to repeatedly filter the data and adapt the used filters. It can be very inefficient to filter the whole OSM data files repeatedly as they can be quite large (pbf-file Europe 2019: 20.6 GB). For this reason, it is of advantage to optimize these processes, especially if they are applied to big data. esy-osmfilter is a direct outcome of the SciGRID_gas project. The library can read OSM pbf-files, which are downloadable from geofabrik.

Within the SciGRID_gas project, esy-osmfilter has been used to extract European gas transport pipelines from OSM and further to identify other relevant components (e.g. gas compressor stations, pipeline marker, gas storages) of the European gas transport network.

Outside of Python, such tasks could also be realised with popular tool as IMPOSM or OSMOSIS. The first is a PostgreSQL/PostGIS tool, the second is a JAVA open source command-line software. The authors of this work have only personal experience with the tool OSMOSIS. From their point of view, the OSMOSIS syntax is not very user friendly if used for sophisticated filter operations.

OSM element types

The performance of filtering OSM data scales not only with the size of the underlying pbf-file and the complexity of the defined filter rules but also with the count and type of each identified OSM element. The three standard OSM element types, are explained in details on the OpenStreetMap webpage. However, we give a brief summary. Each OSM item contains a unique ID and optionally meta information in the form of a list of key-value pairs.

  • OSM Nodes are geo-referenced points on the surface of earth. They are used to represent smaller standalone features, for instance traffics signals or benches. The are also referenced in OSM Ways, to define the shape of a way.
  • OSM Ways can represent linear features as rivers and roads or boundaries of areas such as buildings or forests.
  • OSM Relations represents relationships between nodes, ways and/or other relations. They can represent a bus route or complex areas with holes.

Obviously, the identification of ways requires a second filter loop for the referenced nodes. In the case of relations, this even requires recursive looping over the referenced nodes, relation members in order to find sub-sequential OSM elements.


The performance of esy-osmfilter has been compared to the performance of OSMOSIS on an Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v2 2.60GHz machine, which has 24 CPUs. For the comparison we have chosen to filter all ways and referenced nodes of the tags “railway:tram” and “railway:tram_stop” from three different sized pbf-files [2.2 MB, 59 MB, 707 MB] on a linux machine.

The performance of esy-osmfilter [0.6s, 8.9s, 98.45s] has been consistently about four times as fast as OSMOSIS [2.8s, 36.0s, 416.5s]. Both performances are depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1 

Performance comparison of esy-osmfilter and OSMOSIS for the same filter operation in 3 different-sized pbf-files.

However, we do not state that our software outperforms established software in every case, as this statement would require more testing. Nevertheless, we expect that the real time advantage for the user can be much larger if he uses the esy-osmfilter structure appropriately. The user could use a very permeable prefilter once and than reuse the stored prefiltered data in the data dictionary to customize his black and whitefilters. This will significantly reduce the computational cost for each reuse.


This Python library has been tested on Unix and Windows. On some older windows machines we noticed problems with the python multiprocessing library. As workaround, the user can switch of the multiprocessing, as described in the documentation.


OSM objects are stored in OSM pbf-files, which serve as a input to esy-osmfilter. The second input consists of the three customizable filters: a) prefilter, b) whitefilter, and c) blackfilter. They are described in more detail in the documentation. In Figure 2 we demonstrate the workflow of the esy-osmfilter, which consist of a read phase, a prefilter phase and a mainfilter phase.

Figure 2 

Diagram of the esy-osmfilter architecture.

In the read phase, the internal blocks in the pbf-file are read with the help of the esy-osm-pbf library.

In the prefilter phase, the esy-osmfilter takes advantage of the pbf-file block structure. It reduces the computational time for the prefiltering by parallelizing this process. This is done with the help of the standard python multiprocessing module. In this phase, the user can define a customizable prefilter with complex filter rules for all OSM element types, namely nodes, ways, and relations. The prefilter searches for the all OSM items which fulfill the filter rules. Additionally, it also searches for the references and relation members of these items, which are equally OSM items by themselves, and stores all items in the Data dictionary. Here, we give a brief overview of the stored items:

  • nodes
  • ways + way nodes
  • relations + relation nodes
                            + member ways
                                     + way nodes

During the mainfilter phase our library applies the user defined whitefilters and blackfilters to select specific items from the Data dictionary. These items are stored in the Elements dictionary, which can subsequently be written to a pickle-file for quick reuse or to a human-readable JSON-file.

It should be emphasised again that the Elements dictionary contains only those items from the Data dictionary, which directly fulfil the main filter rules. However, all referenced nodes and relation members can still be accessed by their IDs from the Data dictionary.

Export to GeoJSON

GeoJSON is an open format for geographic data. It is compatible with geographic information system (GIS) applications or the very popular python shapely library. Further it is also easily convertible to other popular data formats (e.g. shapefiles). esy-osmfilter provides the function export_geojson which takes both, the Data and the Elements dictionary, as input. Therefrom, it constructs GeoJSON Line or Point objects, which are finally stored in a GeoJSON file. This procedure is demonstrated in the already mentioned sample.py file. It has to be noted, that the conversion with export_geojson to other GeoJSON object types as Polygons, MultiPoints, MultiLineStrings and MultiPolygons is currently not implemented. However, this might change with future updates.


The visualisation of the final results is beyond the scope of esy-osmfilter. However, the user can drag and drop the resulting GeoJSON files on the map at https://geojson.io to visualise the results in no time.


To install on Linux run ‘sudo python setup.py install’.


The usage of this tool is well documented in the README.md file provided in the GitLab repository mentioned below. The tool is also accompanied by an executable sample file sample.py, which guides the user through the download of pbf-files, the usage of the different filters and the conversion of the filter results towards the GeoJSON format. We strongly recommend new users to download this file from the repository and simply customizing it to their own needs. Please find further information on this topic in the esy-osmfilter online documentation.

Quality control

The filter results of esy-osmfilter for European gas pipelines in June 2020 are displayed in Figure 3. We compare them visually to the results produced by the IMPOSM extraction tool, which are displayed in Figure 4 and taken from openinframap. Obviously inframap has intentionally removed short OSM ways from their map for a better visibility. However, this might even result in the loss of some longer pipelines, as some are internally constructed from very short OSM ways. Besides that, both gas pipeline networks appear very similar.

Figure 3 

European gas transport pipelines extracted from OSM with esy-osmfilter in June 2020.

Figure 4 

European gas (black) and oil (orange) transport pipelines from openinframap extracted from OSM with IMPOSM in June 2020. Image colors have been enhanced.

To make further comparisons available, we have also used esy-osmfilter together with historical European pbf-files from 2014 to 2019 to create a video of the annual gas pipeline data within the OSM database.

In order to confirm that our application delivers the same filter results as established tools, we have also used OSMOSIS to reproduce the results from sample.py, described in the usage section of the documentation. This comparison is based on finding all pipelines within the accompanied pbf-file (liechtenstein-191101.osm.pbf). In both cases we have only identified the same two drain pipelines named “Wäschgräble” and “Wäschgräbli”.

Developer Tests

Developer-tests have been implemented under esy-osmfilter/test, which can confirm the integrity of esy-osmfilter. They can be executed manually with the execution of pytest module from the main program folder. In addition, comparable tests have been implemented in the README.md file which can be executed with python module doctest. They are automatically executed with each push to GitLab.

(2) Availability

Operating system

OS and Windows

Programming language

Python > 3.6




Software location

Name: Zenodo

Persistent identifier: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3874597

Licence: GNU GPL v3.0

Date published: 06/03/2020

Version: 1.0.7

Code repository

Name: GitLab

Identifier: https://gitlab.com/dlr-ve-esy/esy-osmfilter

Licence: GNU GPL v3.0

Date published: 02/11/2020

Version: 1.0.7



(3) Reuse potential

This software can be used for most purposes, which involve the extraction of geographic infrastructure from the OSM database. This can be realized by the adaption of the customizable filters to the relevant OSM tags. In the reference section, we give some examples for the potential reuse potential of our application. Also, an introduction to OpenStreetMap in geographic information science can be found in the book of Arsanjani et al. [].


We have noticed the current two limitations:

  • Bounding boxes/bounding polygon files
    esy-osmfilter does not allow for regional filtering via bounding boxes or bounding polygon files. However, we do not regard this as a real limitation, as pbf-files are available on different regional levels. Due to the fast performance of esy-osmfilter, users can filter the results for an upper level pbf-file and afterwards filter the GeoJSON files for the desired specific region, which is a very easy task.
    Alternatively, one can use OSMOSIS to prefilter pbf-files to a desired sub-region and write the filter results back to a pbf-file, which is a one line command.
  • Export of Relations
    The current version of the export_geojson function can not export entire relations to complex GeoJSON objects, as mentioned earlier. This functionality has not been implemented as it was needed within the scope of the SciGRID_gas project. We believe that such a functionality in the export_geojson could be very useful. Therefore, we are considering the implementation of such a feature with a future update.


Support is currently provided via GitLab issues. You can also contact the developers via email.