(1) Overview

1.1 Introduction

In the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) field, it has always been necessary to exchange information between the involved parties throughout the whole cycle of design, planning, construction, and operation of construction works such as buildings. To this end, drawings, tables, diagrams, and text documents describing the physical artefact to be constructed were produced and circulated among project stakeholders. In the digital era, with the rapid evolution of information technology, digital tools are naturally adapted and applied in AEC. In order to be processed by digital tools the required information needs to exist in digital form, and is thus supposed to be captured, exchanged and stored digitally. Models, standards, and software to achieve this goal were progressively developed during the previous years and are successively adapted in the practices of the AEC industry under the umbrella term Building Information Modelling (BIM) and mediated through open standards [].

In the context of this paper, building information models are understood as “digital representation of the future building, its properties and its production process in a semantically explicit form” []. This definition distinguishes building information models from other digital representations, which contain the information only implicitly (scanned drawings or rendered imagery) or as explicit geometry with implicit semantics (2D or 3D CAD models). Traditional non-digital building information exchange and storage was based on drawings and documents, which are essentially visual representations. Nowadays, the exchange and persistence happens in digital, non-tangible, non-visual form — the visualizations are then generated on the fly in dedicated software tools. Thus, architects and engineers as the domain specialists have rarely the possibility to create or change those visualizations albeit the visualization of planned buildings was traditionally one of their core competences. However, visual representations and the active involvement in their creation are important means to access and understand the information. This is even more relevant, as the data captured in digital form is of continuously growing amount.

To reconstitute architects and engineers sovereignty over the visual representations of the information they produce, the author has, in previous work [], proposed the use of configurable visualizations which are described programmatically or with a dedicated domain specific language (DSL). A generic visualization component would then consume a visualization configuration together with respective building information to produce a specific visualization (Figure 1). These visualization configurations could be reused across projects and exchanged between parties involved in the planning process. They would allow for visualization solutions tailored to specific tasks and situations, for example to get a comprehensive overview of design changes after receiving an amendment for approval. The creation of a visualization configuration is meant to be carried out by domain specialists, which would thus be involved in the process of visualization generation and encouraged to experiment with visual representations and to re-explore their familiar field of AEC visualizations under the new paradigm of digital and interactive media. A use case study [] identified four application areas, where such configurable visualizations could be particularly useful (communication, education, exploration, and experimentation) and provides examples for each area.

Figure 1 

Generic visualization component configurable through visualization specifications.

Although the idea of task-specific visual representations for building information has already been proposed in the early days of BIM, e.g. as so-called “monitors” [], there exist few implementations that provide a flexible way to define such visualizations. Most commercial BIM software applicatons provide only fixed visualizations or arrangements of visualizations to switch between. A notable exception is RIB iTwo which allows to specify visualization properties such as colours through expressions that query into the building model [, ]. Most researchers that target the visualization of BIM models on a more general level recognize the need for task- and domain-specific visualizations, but still include only limited configurability in their solutions, e.g. [, ]. Others extend the configurability to real-time and promote adaptive visual representations that change after the visualization was generated [].

There is a growing body of research work that studies the possibilities and limitations of computer visualization in transcending traditional paper-based workflows. By employing the computational power and the interactive capabilities of computers, these visualization approaches seek to not only represent the 3D geometry of a building better than in paper-based approaches, but also include key design parameters such as energy consumption or structural resilience, as well as the process of the building’s construction and construction management related metrics. This way they hope to foster better understanding and discovery of spatio-temporal relations between objects and processes as well as critical points in the building design and in the construction schedule.

Most of these attempts stay close to the realm of experience by using visualization time to represent construction schedules in addition to the 3D geometry and enhance the resulting animation, e.g. with colours [], additional graphical elements for zones [], or as-built photographs []. Ivson et al. embark on a more experimental strategy with a 4D visualization where the 3rd dimension of the not-yet-built part of the building is partially sacrificed in favour of schedule information []. With the exception of the latter, where colour scales can be customized to reflect task-specific metrics, these prototypes do not consider configurations, but instead develop one specific visualization type that is optimized with regard to a concrete task and application scenario. Although this paper does not focus on the implementation of concrete novel visualizations, they can serve as use case examples guiding the development of a generic configurable solution in a bottom-up fashion. As such the author has also investigated concrete more experimental visualizations and their application in the AEC context, e.g. anamorphic maps [], hierarchical edge bundles [], and colour schemes for construction progress monitoring [].

Another strand of recent development in the area of BIM visualization focusses on web viewers such as BIMsurfer [] or WeXplorer, the visualization part of the xBIM project []. Since these developments are open source, they can be modified, used for the implementation of custom visualizations, or included into custom developments, as opposed to the aforementioned specialized visualizations, where neither source code nor binary libraries are publicly available. However, also these open source web viewers do not include runtime configurability natively and require substantial software development efforts to build custom visualization applications with them.

The approach taken with this work seeks to minimize required development efforts by providing all functionality except the specification of the visualization itself in a framework. This way developing a visualization is more like writing a configuration and the visualization specification constitutes additional input to the framework that is consumed just like the building information itself.

In order to verify the feasibility of the proposal, Billie was implemented as a proof-of-concept prototype. In parallel, use cases from the AEC sector have been studied and implemented as sample visualization configurations to complement the development of the prototype with example cases, including both more traditional as well as experimental use cases. Subsequently, Billie has been used to study the integration of the visualization process with other developments in construction informatics, such as the multimodel [, ] and BIM filter methods [].

1.2 Implementation and architecture

The software prototype was implemented as a Java desktop application and library. It can be used through the standalone demo tool or be included into other applications. The next section describes the standalone usage before proceeding to the software architecture. For more information on integration with other applications please refer to Section 3.

1.2.1 Standalone usage Installation

The standalone demo tool can be downloaded as a zip file (billie-0.12.zip) from Github https://github.com/hlg/billie/releases/tag/v0.12. Sample project data sets are provided with the release (billie-data.zip). Please refer to Section 1.3 for details about these data. To get started, download both the demo tool and the sample data zip files. Uncompress billie-0.12.zip into into a new directory and billie-data.zip into a subdirectory data inside. Open a command line and change into the new directory.

There are two ways to configure the visualization. For example, the visualization in Figure 2 can be created either using the precompiled configuration named IFC_3D or the equivalent configuration expressed with a DSL in file ifc_3d-color.vis. In this section, the two possibilities are described for the preconfigured visualizations shipped with the release. The creation of custom visualizations for both approaches is described in Section 1.2.3. The command-line interfaces (CLI) for the two types of specifications are described in the next two sections.

Figure 2 

Visualization result from applying the IFC3D configuration to the ifc file from the carport sample data set. Configuration runner

The configuration runner (de.tudresden.cib.vis.sampleApps.ConfigurationRunner) loads a selected precompiled visualization configuration CONFIGNAME and applies it to a building information model loaded from BIMFILE.

configurationrunner.bat [CONFIGNAME [BIMFILE]]
./configurationrunner.sh [CONFIGNAME [BIMFILE]]

If no BIMFILE is given, a file selection dialogue will prompt for the respective input file or folder. If no CONFIGNAME is given, all available configurations will be listed.

From the command prompt in the unzipped tool directory call either the batch file (*.bat, on Windows) or the shell file (*.sh, on Linux or MacOS). For example, the following command (on Linux or MacOS) will use the IFC_3D configuration and the IFC file from the carport project data set and subsequently produce the visualization shown in Figure 2.

./configrunner.sh IFC_3D data/carport.ifc

Hints on which configurations work together with which input files can be found in Section 1.3. DSL runner

The DSL runner (de.tudresden.cib.vis.DSL.VisDSLRunner) loads a visualization configuration from a DSL file CONFIGNAME and applies it to a building information model loaded from BIMFILE.

dslrunner.bat CONFIGFILE [BIMFILE]
./dslrunner.sh CONFIGFILE [BIMFILE]

If no BIMFILE is given, a file selection dialogue prompts for the respective input file or folder.

For example, the following command will use the ifc_3d.vis DSL specification and the IFC file from the carport project data set and produce the visualization shown in Figure 2.

./dslrunner.sh bisl/ifc_3d-color.vis data/carport.ifc

The DSL version of the visualization description is only implemented as a very rough sketch in the current alpha release and does not yet reflect the same functionality as the precompiled visualization description version.

1.2.2 Architecture

The prototype implements a modular architecture following the reference model of the visualization pipeline []. The visualization pipeline breaks the process of visualization generation into three successive steps: In the first step, relevant data is selected from the input and prepared for the following step. In the second step, the data is mapped to a visualization model. And finally in the third step, the image to be shown to the user is derived from this model. Figure 3 depicts the modular architecture that results from employing this reference model for configurable visualizations.

Figure 3 

Generic visualization component modular architecture.

Each and every pipeline step is covered by an abstract class serving as a plugin point for modules that implement the abstract class’ interface and thus are exchangeable. This modular architecture realizes the adaptability of the system towards different requirements: Exchangeable data access modules allow for the adaptation to different types of input data. Exchangeable modules on the visualization side allow for the adaptation to different host environments for the visualization. Implementations of the central mapping step allow for different visualization configurations to guide the construction of the visualization. This central step plays a critical role because it is here where the configurability of the visualization is actually realized. Thus it is this part that is proposed to be implemented as a DSL, which then does not have to be precompiled, but will be parsed at runtime instead.

The generalizations on the two outer sides — the visualization and data side — are realized to different degrees, thus yielding different restrictions on the extent to which the modules are exchangeable independently of the visualization configuration. On the visualization side, a high level of generalization was possible building on visualization ontologies [], so that the modules can be exchanged transparently as long as the implementing visualization module provides the specific categories of functionality required for the given visualization configuration, such as 3-dimensionality or interaction. On the data access side however, the generalization is only less strict, since the advances and developments in the area of BIM are still ongoing and the range of possible input data is too heterogeneous to form simple categories. Thus there is a tighter dependency between the visualization configuration and the applicable data access module, compared to the dependency between the visualization configuration and the visualization module.

1.2.3 Custom Configurations

Both types of visualization configurations, precompiled and DSL specifications, can be used to realize custom task-specific visualizations. Complex visualizations consisting of smaller parts defined with self-contained configurations have been investigated [], but have not been implemented in Billie. Precompiled specification

For precompiled specifications, the abstract class de.tudresden.cib.vis.mapping.Configuration has to be extended. In particular, the custom configuration has to implement the config method. Inside the config method, the custom configuration can then call the designated configuration methods provided by the abstract class. The most important of these provided methods is addMapping (Condition condition, PropertyMap mapping), which adds a mapping rule to be applied if a specific condition is fulfilled. The following example shows the implementation of the IFC_3D configuration used as an example in Section 1.2.1.

public class Ifc_3D extends Configuration<EMFIfcParser.EngineEObject, Condition<EMFIfcPar.EngineEObject>>
  public void config() {
    this.addMapping(new Condition<EMFIfcParser.EngineEObject>() {
      public boolean matches(EMFIfcParser.EngineEObject data) {
        return data.getObject() instanceof IfcBuildingElement;
    }, new PropertyMap<EMFIfcParser.EngineEObject, VisFactory3D.Polyeder>() {
      protected void configure() {
        Geometry geometry = data.getGeometry();
        if(data.getObject() instanceof IfcSlab || data.getObject() instanceof IfcRoof){
        } else {

In order to process this configuration in conjunction with given input data (ifcUrl), the configuration has to be instantiated together with a matching data accessor and then be handed over to a mapper for the type of scene that should be produced, e.g. a Java3D scene:

Configuration ifc3dconfig = new Ifc_3D();
DataAccessor ifcAccessor = new EMFIfcGeometricAccessor();
Mapper ifcJava3dMapper = Java3dBuilder.createMapper(ifcAccessor)
Scene scene = ifcJava3dMapper.map(ifc3dConfig).getScene();

To allow for a compile time compatibility check of the associated data accessor, mapper, scene graph, and configuration, the respective abstract classes have generified class and method signatures. However, due to type erasure in Java, generics will fail in the case of configurations specified by a DSL since these are only loaded at runtime. Thus the generic class signature might be replaced by some other mechanism in the future.

The Billie release includes a range of data accessors to consume the provided sample data as well as scene builders to generate respective scenes. These are listed below.

Data accessors:

  • simple link-centred multimodel access
  • grouped multimodel access
  • GAEB access using the Eclipse Modelling Framework [] with or without hierarchy analysis
  • EMF-based IFC access with or without external geometry analysis and with or without external hierarchy analysis
  • EMF-based access to quantity take-offs
  • EMF-based access to schedules
  • iCalendar schedules

Scene builders:

  • Draw2D: creates Eclipse Draw2D models
  • Java2D: creates Java2D scenes
  • Java3D: creates Java3D scenes
  • Text: creates text output, for debugging

The generated scenes are intended for further usage in custom applications. For convenience, the Billie release provides simple viewers for Java3D and Draw2D, offering a quick way to display the generated scenes. In addition, a configurable Java3D loader is provided as well. Building Information Style Language (BISL)

The Building information style language (BISL) is proposed as a domain specific language (DSL) to specify visualization configurations at runtime. A basic mapping rule in BISL is specified by giving the type of the source and target object, a condition and an initial mapping as follows:

vt.rule(EngineEObject, Polyeder){
  condition {
    data.object instanceof IfcBuildingElement
  initial {
    visual.vertices = data.geometry.vertices
    visual.normals = data.geometry.normals
    visual.indices = data.geometry.indices
    if (data.object instanceof IfcSlab)
      visual.color = [200,0,0,0]
      visual.color = [128,128,128,150]

The example specifies the same configuration as the precompiled example given in Section By comparing the two listings, it can be seen that the DSL is merely a thin layer over the underlying domain model of the mapping rule specification as suggested by Fowler []. Details about the proposed DSL for visualization configurations including the main elements in Backus-Naur form (BNF) can be found in the authors thesis, Chapter 5.5 [].

Only very basic mapping with simple animation and without interaction is implemented so far for the DSL interpreter. The Billie release contains four sample configurations (*.vis files).

1.3 Quality control

The software was tested with sporadic unit and integration tests which do not provide comprehensive code coverage, but are included in the Ant build scripts and thus executed on every build. Functional testing was done based on use case data described in the following.

A range of use cases from the AEC industry was collected before and in parallel to the development of the prototype. In the spirit of test-driven development, which promotes the implementation of unit tests before any actual implementation, these use cases served not only as after-the-fact functional tests, but also to guide the development of the prototypical implementation from the very beginning. Each use case consists of a sample data set from a building project and a visualization configuration, both of which in combination determine the resulting visualization. Both the building project data sets and the visualization configurations were designed to cover a broad and diverse range. Building project data sets (D3, D4, D5, D6) vary from small, artificially constructed demo projects to large buildings taken from real world projects. Visualization configurations (V2, V4, V5, V6) range from conventional visualizations, such as coloured 3D representations, bar charts, and Gantt charts to experimental visualizations, such as anamorphic maps and hierarchical edge bundles.

  • D3) Carport: four columns and one slab
  • D4) One-family house: full construction, multimodel with cost and schedule, implicit quantity-takeoff
  • D5) High-rise building: structural, core, shell, multimodel with cost, schedule, progress, quantity-takeoff
  • D6) Airport building: structural, core, shell, multimodel with cost, schedule, progress, quantity-takeoff
  • V2) Elementary 3D models, bar charts, Gantt charts
  • V4) Simple multimodel visualizations
  • V5) Link visualization with HEBs
  • V6) Progress control visualization

In Table 1, all those cases which can be reproduced with the current Billie prototype are listed in an adjacency matrix of input data sets and visualization configurations. The full list of considered cases contains further project data sets and configurations which can not yet be used within Billie [].

Table 1

Use cases as a combination of input data (rows) and visualization configuration (columns).



To systematically test the implemented use cases, a set of sample project data is provided from the project site http://hlg.github.io/billie, covering the cases D3, D4, D5, and D6 listed above. Visualization configurations are shipped as precompiled configurations with the release. The script (functional.sh for Linux, functional.bat for Windows) contained in the Billie release lists all implemented pairs of these building project data sets and visualization configurations. It can be used to copy the command for a single combination and run this particular combination as a functional test. To run the functional test script semi-automatically with all combinations, the sample data is supposed to be unzipped into a data folder relative to the script. When running the test suite this way, each visualization is produced and displayed for examination and has to be closed manually before the script proceeds to the next case.

The testing was carried out under Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and Windows 7. No further measurement of memory and processor load has been done.

(2) Availability

2.1 Operating system

Since Billie runs in the Java Virtual Machine, it is operation system independent, though the Java Runtime Environment needs to be installed. Testing was carried out on Windows 7 and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Native libraries are included in the release for 32- and 64-bit Windows, Linux, and MacOS system.

2.2 Programming language

Billie is implemented in Java 7 and Groovy.

2.3 Additional system requirements

Memory, disk and processor requirements depend on the size of the input data, which can be demanding for real-world construction projects with detailed geometry. The sample configurations are optimized for a screen width in the range of around 1000 pixels. For interactive visualizations a pointing device (e.g. a mouse) is required.

2.4 Dependencies

In the release, all dependencies needed for running the test cases are included. They are also sufficient to create custom configurations with the building information input types and scene graph target types listed in Section 1.2.3. Most dependencies are encapsulated in exchangeable modules. Dependencies are managed with Apache Ivy, the ivy.xml file in each module provides a detailed list of dependencies. The reminder of this section provides an excerpt from these files as compact overview.

Core modules:

  • vis: Guava
  • vis.DSL: Groovy

Data modules:

  • vis.data.bimserver: Opensource BIMserver, EMF Ecore
  • vis.data.jsdai: CIB BIMfit
  • vis.data.mmqlserver: M2A2 MMQL
  • vis.data.multimodel: CIB Multimodel, Mefisto GAEB/QTO/risk/schedule, EMF, ICal4J, Opensource BIMserver, JUnit

Visualization modules:

  • vis.runtime.draw2d, vis.scene.draw2d: Eclipse Draw2D
  • vis.runtime.java3d, vis.scene.java3d: Java3D

Sample applications:

  • vis.sampleApps: Eclipse SWT
  • vis.swingApp: Groovy Swing

Throughout the modules, also Apache Commons.IO, SLF4J, and JUnit are used.

2.5 List of contributors

Billie was created by Helga Tauscher as a research assistant at TU Dresden.

2.6 Software location

2.6.1 Archive

Name: Zenodo


Licence: GPL v2

Publisher: Helga Tauscher

Version published: v0.12

Date published: 28/04/18

2.6.2 Code repository

Name: Github


Date published: 19/02/18 (alpha v0.12)

2.7 Language

Java and Groovy

(3) Reuse potential

The software could be reused for research and development of use case specific construction visualizations from two possible perspectives. On one hand, as a prototyping framework it can facilitate research about the development and application of new interactive visualization methods in the field of AEC. For example it could be used to test the application of visual analytics methods in construction engineering. This approach seems promising to manage huge amounts of building data and keep it consistent during project time. Keim et al. [] provide a research agenda for this emerging field. This type of research would focus on the visualizations themselves and strive to develop novel forms of visual representation.

On the other hand, it can aid other research on topics from the field of construction informatics that are not inherently visual, by providing a means to create visualizations for the research subjects to make them more tangible. Research approaches often introduce new conceptual models of the subject, which may imply a new domain view of the data or even information models with enhanced data. Naturally, for such novel domain models there might not yet be adequate support in existing software including visual representation. Billie could then be integrated in other research prototypes as a visualization component. Examples for this kind of non-visual research topics include e.g. computational fluid dynamics, risk analysis, and other simulations, or information management issues such as multimodels and filters.

The technical preconditions for reuse are given through the modular architecture. The creation of customized visualizations is described in Section 1.2.3. Using Billie simplifies the development process as opposed to from-scratch development, because existing data access and scene building modules (listed in Section 1.2.3) can be reused as a framework that handles and hides some aspects of the underlying libraries and thus facilitates rapid visualization prototyping. In addition, the included visualization runtime environments can be used for the quick instantiation of default viewer components.

In case of new requirements in terms of the input data or the application runtime context, new data accessors and scene builders can be implemented and plugged into the system. To achieve this, the following classes would have to be extended or implemented:

  • de.tudresden.cib.vis.data.DataAccessor
  • de.tudresden.cib.vis.scene.VisBuilder
  • de.tudresden.cib.vis.scene.VisFactory2D/VisFactory3D
  • de.tudresden.cib.vis.scene.UIContext

The modules prefixed with vis.data (for data accessors) and vis.scene (for scene builders) contain existing implementations or extensions and can serve as examples or starting points for custom developments.